“Inspiring A Growth Mindset”
Early years Programme
Inspiring Children Towards A Growth Mindset

Our International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC), designed for children age 3 to 5 aims to equip the children with a strong foundation in reading, writing and learning in a safe and happy environment.Our teachers are responsible for the knowledge & skills development for children in their learning progress.
The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) is built around four Learning Strands that underpin all learning and development, such as Independent and Interdependent, Communicating, Enquiring and Healthy living and physical wellbeing.
Each unit of learning links all four of these Learning Strands to relevant and engaging activities that can be adapted and extended to meet individual needs. At this early stage of development, observation and interactions are the best way to make assessments, which should be continuous and should involve both the child and their parents. Learning journals provide an ideal format for capturing observations throughout a child’s learning journey.
As a prestigious international school KL, SBIS believes that by inspiring the children towards a growth mindset will prepare the children for a rapidly changing environment and the many challenges that lie ahead. The changing global landscape makes it imperative for a collective breadth of skills across ages and breadth of learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom
The areas of learning in our early years Programme are
- English
- Mathematics
- Arts & Design
- Moral Education
- Malay Language
- Mandarin
- Physical Education
- Music
- Storytelling / Circle time
- Playtime and well-being
School Hours and School Terms
School Hours
Monday to Thursday ⇒ 7:45 AM – 1:50 PM
Friday ⇒ 7:45 AM – 12:00 PM
Break time ⇒ 9:25 AM – 10:00 AM | Lunch time ⇒ 12:35 PM – 1:10 PM
Year Group
R1 – Ages 3 to 4
R2 – Ages 4 to 5
Academic Calendar
Academic Year 2024/2025
Term 1 – 3rd September 2024 – 6th December 2024
Term 2 – 7th January 2025 – 17th April 2025
Term 3 – 6th May 2025 – 31st July 2025
The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) as part of the Early Years Programme at SBIS. The IEYC programme is built around four learning strands that underpin all learning and development – Independent and Interdependent, Communicating, Enquiring and Healthy Living and Physical Wellbeing.
The units learnt link all the four strands to relevant and engaging activities that are adapted and extended to meet individual needs.
The IEYC uses international best practices, holistic enquiry and play-based approaches that cover all curriculum areas including personal, social and emotional development.
The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) are designed for children between age 3+ to 5+, who are toilet-trained and diaper free.
Children at this level undergo a brief assessment and interview with the Deputy Principal covering a range of topics for their level.
Parents will be contacted by an admission person once the entrance interview result is made available, usually within five (5) working days.
Three (3) terms. Our intakes/terms for an Academic Year are as follows:
– Term One: September – December
– Term Two: January – March/April
– Term Three: April – August
Upon confirming your child’s age grouping, a completed application may be submitted to the school email address: along with the following documents:
- Completed Application (Application Form, Personal Data Protection Act 2010 Notice, SBIS Fee Category and Agreement – All pages duly completed and signed)
- Copy of Student’s Malaysia Identity Card (All Passport page for International Students)
- Copy of both Parents Identity Cards (Biodata Page and Visa Pages of both the Parents for International Students)
- Copy of Student’s Birth Certificate
- Copy of Student’s Vaccination/Immunisation Card
- Copy of Student’s Previous/Current School Report (latest, at least 1 year) (academic and/or testimonials) (if applicable)
- 2 Passport sized photos
- Payment remittance advice of RM1,200 application fee (non-refundable and non-transferrable)
- Latest valid pass/visa (Student Pass/Dependent Pass) for International Students